For this Activity, you will first select one of the sources you plan to use in a body paragraph of your explanatory synthesis paper.
Source 1: "Stars check in, stars check out" by Sharon Waxman (2007).
Source 2: "Hung out to dry" by John Hill (2015).
Source 3: "When jail is not the answer" by Kelly Foreman (2015).
In this ASSIGNMENT, address each of the questions.
Question 1. Review the three sources that you mentioned in your explanatory synthesis outline and write down ONE of the titles in the textbox below.
Question 2. In 1-2 sentences, clearly state what the point is that you are trying to make in this particular section of your paper where the above source appears.
Question 3. What information from the source you selected in Question 1 supports this point? You may quote or summarize that source below.
Question 4: Explain how the information provided in Question 3 supports your point. How does this information also relate to your thesis statement?