Class Project: Study of blood flow in vascular vessels and flow
parameters that relevant for vascular health

Biofluid mechanics is a branch of fluid mechanics that deals with blood and other biological flow in a living body. Fundamentals of fluid mechanics can also be equally applied to describe and explain biofluid mechanics. In this class project you need to do a self-study on the blood flow in vascular network and its
impact on the overall health conditions. Particularly, project will be focused on the effect of blood flow parameters and flow behavior that are relevant for cerebral aneurysm formation, growth, rupture and treatment. This will be accomplished as group project where a group can have up to 3 members. Each
member needs to find and study at least 5 journal articles to answer the following questions. Each member should be responsible for answering a part of questions for each of the following questions.

The report should be at least 15 pages with necessary schematics, images, tables and figures. References should be cited and reference pages will not be counted towards 15 pages report. The format is double-spaced, 0.5 inch margin in all sides (top, bottom, left and right) with font size of 11 and Times New Roman font style.
The report should answer the following question with appropriate reference and articles that published before 2010 will not be accepted as reference.
1. What is aneurysm? What are available treatments of aneurysm by controlling blood flow?How does blood flow in vascular vessel contributes in formation, progression, rupture and dissolution of aneurysm?
2. Describe the important blood flow (also known as hemodynamics) parameters that are directly correlated with the treatment of aneurysm. Describe at least two different in-vitro experimental techniques to measure blood flow and blood flow parameters with examples.
3. What are the in-vivo experimental techniques to study blood flow dynamics in aneurysm?
Describe at least two different techniques with examples.