Industrialorganizational psychology is the branch of psychology that applies psychological theories and principles to organizations. Often referred to as I-O psychology, this field focuses on increasing workplace productivity and related issues such as the physical and mental well-being of employees.  This week, we will focus on ethics in APA and ethical standards. Ethical considerations can become complex, particularly within the many careers in which psychology graduates find themselves. This week, you received just an introduction to the area of professional ethics. Your Discussion gives you an opportunity to consider what ethical principles are in psychology and what they might mean to you as a professional.To prepare for this Discussion:

  • Read the information on ethics presented in the APA websites listed in this week’s Learning Resources.
  • Review the General Principles of the APA Ethical Standards from the resource titled “Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct” found in the Learning Resources
  • Select one of the principles ( Principle C: Integrity Psychologists seek to promote accuracy, honesty, and truthfulness in the science, teaching, and practice of psychology. In these activities psychologists do not steal, cheat or engage in fraud, subterfuge, or intentional misrepresentation of fact. Psychologists strive to keep their promises and to avoid unwise or unclear commitments. In situations in which deception may be ethically justifiable to maximize benefits and minimize harm, psychologists have a serious obligation to consider the need for, the possible consequences of, and their responsibility to correct any resulting mistrust or other harmful effects that arise from the use of such techniques.) and think about how it applies to your program Industrial Organization Psychology.
  • Take the time to really envision what your success looks and feels like; really sit back and put yourself in that position and create the “you” that successfully finishes this program and how you might put what you learn into action for positive social change.

With these thoughts in mind:Post by Day 3 a brief description of the principle (Principle C: Integrity)   you selected from the General Principles of the APA Ethical Standards you read about in “Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct.” Explain it in your own words. Explain in what way the principle could be applicable in your area of specialization and why. : General Principles of the APA Ethical Standards from the resource titled “Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct” found in the Learning Resources