Submit your data analysis plan. Your data analysis plan should include the following supporting documents (this is very similar to statistical analysis section of your doctoral study):

  • Your final research question(s) 
  • List of variables used to answer each research question(s) including:
    • Variable names and descriptions
    • Types of variables: independent/dependent, covariate, confounding.
    • Levels of measurement for each variable.
  • Your Statistical analysis plan, including:
    • Descriptive methods you will be using to describe data.
    • Analytic methods you will be using to answer your research question(s), including:
      • Statistical test you will be using.
      • Why this test is appropriate to answer your research question?
      • Why this test is appropriate for using the list of variables you selected for your research question?
      • How the results of this statistical test help you to answer your research question?
    • What methods you will be using to present your findings?